
All the Press

RCF (France) - April 2024

Bernard Niedda

"Passage Secret” is Bernard Niedda's favorite album of the week

France Inter - March 2024

Stéphane Capron

Interview of the Duo in France's biggest morning show

France Musique - March 2024

Clément Rochefort

Ludmila Berlinskaya & Arthur Ancelle perform live in "Générations France Musique"

France Musique - March 2024

Aurélie Moreau

"genius, brilliant, fabulous, magnificent" duo: Aurelie Moreau has no shortage of superlatives to describe the Berlinskaya - Ancelle duo in her program "Stars du Classique".

Musiq3 (Belgium) - February 2024

Pierre Solot

"Passage Secret" is the "Musical Choice" of Belgian radio Musiq3
"Ludmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ancelle, a duo of lovers, enchant these famous cycles of French music (Bizet's Jeux d'enfants, Debussy's Petite Suite, Ravel's Ma mère l'Oye and Gabriel Fauré's Dolly) with a perfect fusion of their playing. [...] This is what Ludmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ancelle reveal to us, an orchestra with a thousand spurts, but also a piano that tells, that tells the stories of a boat, a spinning top, Laideronnette or Dolly's Garden, as a mother would tell them, at the edge of bed, before giving in to the mists of sleep"

France Musique - February 2024

Jean-Baptiste Urbain

The duo are guests on France Musique's Matinale to mark the release of "Passage Secret"

RCF (France) - February 2024

Presentation of "Passage Secret" on French Radio RCF

Radio Classique (France) - February 2024

Laure Mézan

Interview of the duo by Laure Mézan for Le Journal du Classique about "Passage Secret"

Radio Vinci Autoroutes (France) - February 2024

Charlotte Latour

Charlotte Latour interviews Ludmila & Arthur about their latest album : "Passage Secret"

RTS (Switzerland) - May 2023

David Meichtry & Benoît Perrier

During the Week-End Musical à Pully Festival, Ludmila Berlinskaya & Arthur Ancelle are interviewed by David Meichtry and Benoît Perrier.

Live performances : Ravel, Auric

France Musique - June 2022

Clément Rochefort (Générations France Musique)

Ludmila & Arthur perform Bizet, Ravel, Gershwin and Tsfasman live on France Musique's saturday show "Générations France Musique"

RFI (France) - June 2022

Yasmine Chouaki (En Sol Majeur)

Ludmila Berlinskaya is the guest of Yasmine Chouaki, who makes her sound portrait in her program "En sol majeur".

RFI (France) - March 2022

Carmen Lunsmann

Interview of the duo by Carmen Lunsmann on French international radio RFI, about Gershwin - Tsfasman

Radio România Muzical (Romania) - March 2022

Larisa Clempuş

"CD review" radio show on Radio România Muzical is dedicated to Gershwin / Tsfasman

France Musique - February 2022

Philippe Cassard (Portraits de famille)

"What a thrill to listen to such a record, it is exhilarating, it is played in such a beautiful way, with a flame, an energy, a virtuosity, a brio but also a lot of charm, a lot of elegance, never bad taste (...) Ludmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ancelle who are, for years now, one of the greatest piano duos existing on this planet."

RCF (France) - February 2022

Jacques Nouvier

Presentation of the Gershwin - Tsfasman album in the "Tous mélomanes" radio show

France Musique - February 2022

Emilie Munéra, Rodolphe Bruneau-Boulmier

Gershwin - Tsfasman is the "record of the day" in the program "En pistes" on France Musique

Radio Classique (France) - February 2022

Jean-Michel Dhuez

Jean-Michel Dhuez interviews the duo in Le Journal du Classique, on the occasion of the release of Gershwin-Tsfasman and the duo's concert at Salle Gaveau.

France Inter - January 2022

Stéphane Capron

Stéphane Capron tells a wide audience about the Gershwin - Tsfasman recording and interviews Ludmila and Arthur.

France Musique - January 2022

Emilie Munéra - Rodolphe Bruneau-Boulmier

Gershwin-Tsfasman is introduced in "En pistes", the show dedicated to new releases.