
Mendelssohn Janacek Strauss - Sonatas for Violin and Piano
Saphir Productions, 2008

Mendelssohn Janacek Strauss - Sonatas for Violin and Piano
Mendelssohn : Sonata in F major
Janacek : Sonata
Strauss : Sonata op. 18

Gerard Poulet, violin
Ludmila Berlinskaya, piano

Recorded at the Temple Saint Marcel, Paris
Sound Engineer : Nikolaos Samaltanos

The anecdote : Originally, Gérard Poulet was supposed to record this program with Boris Berezovsky, as wished by the label. But he decided shortly before the recording that he wished to do it with Ludmila Berlinskaya

Resmusica - March 2009

Jean-Christophe Le Toquin

"Both performers are up to this beautiful score, and the combination of their very different personalities produces an exciting result. (...) Ludmila Berlinskaya is all in fire, in tension. In keeping with the drama that Janáček has written in music, she is the steel structure on which the violin builds its song. The two artists complement each other in a rich and paradoxical way: the female performer has the energy and fire of a man, her male partner responds with a power that is not the virile force but the flame."